Pathein Catholic Diocese Untitled Document
Untitled Document
Social and Human Development

Theological Background:


Jesus came to give life and life in the full ( cf: John 10:10). In his public ministry Jesus announced the good news to the poor, healed the sick and freed the captives. The Church continues this mission of Jesus, promoting life condition of the people especially the poor and the marginalized. Jesus came to establish the kingdom of God among the people. This kingdom is a kingdom of Justice, Peace and joy in the Holy Spirit ( cf: Rom 17:14). The Church continues this prophetic role by standing for the truth and by siding on the part of the poor and the marginalized. The social mission of the Church is carried on with the inspiration of Jesus’ You did it to me” ( cf; Matt 25).


Commission functioning in the diocese:


The commission of Social and Human Development started with the decision of the first diocesan Synod held in 1997. The real establishment of Diocesan Caritas ( Karuna) began only in 2001 with the establishment of National Caritas under the patronage of Catholic Bishops Conference of Myanmar ( CBCM). Today the social mission of the diocese is carried out by Caritas Diocesan ( Karuna) in collaboration with other offices like peace and justice, public relations and Assets Development Committee.


Focal Areas: 


●      Peace and Justice

●      Public Relations ( State, CSO, Business People)

●      Karuna Mission Social Solidarity (KMSS)

●      Assets Development Committee (ADC)



Goal: Improved Social Missions of the Diocese with particular focus on Integral Human Development (IHD).




●       To strengthen the existing social development programs in the diocese in relevance to the changes of time

●       To promote awareness and understanding of the Popes’ encyclicals  related to environmental justice and economic justice

●       To enhance the Socio Pastoral Integrated approach in the apostolates of the diocese

●       To promote interests in creating possible Parish Caritas in those interested parishes